May You Be Inscribed In The Book Life For Good in Hebrew Stock Photos by lipmic 2 / 96 Rosh hashana card Stock Photographs by Slanapotam 3 / 71 Shofar Illustration Stock Photos by theblackrhino 1 / 184 Rabbi With Talit Blows The Shofar Pictures by LironPeer 3 / 294 Bunch of shofars, or Jewish religious horns Pictures by slavapolo 2 / 485 Prayer Shawl - Tallit, jewish religious symbol.

Vector illustration Stock Image by lipmic 5 / 111 jewish clip art icons and symbols Stock Photo by Boohoo 11 / 1,865 Yom Kippur Clip art Stock Image by bilhagolan 6 / 150 skyline of old city Jerusalem. We thank Allah s.w.t for reuniting us again with Ramadan after a long year of highs and lows.Shofar Stock Photos by webking 55 / 1,827 Star Of David Rabbi With Talit Blows The Shofar Stock Images by LironPeer 19 / 2,830 Jewish man blow Shofar Stock Image by lucidwaters 20 / 403 Shofar Horn For Yom Kippur Stock Image by LironPeer 7 / 591 Shofar Stock Photo by vip76 3 / 168 shofar, horn, of Yom Kippur for Israeli and Jewish holiday Stock Photo by lipmic 3 / 157 Happy Jewish New Year Stock Photography by m_goffin 8 / 395 religious judaism signs Stock Images by print2d 9 / 6,228 Jewish man blow Shofar Picture by lucidwaters 4 / 147 Jewish man in Tallit blowing the Shofar horn of Rosh Hashanah New Year Stock Image by photovs 3 / 80 Jewish shofar illustration Stock Photography by artshock 1 / 57 Greeting card design for Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.

“When the month of Ramadan enters, the gates of Heaven are opened, and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.” In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah r.a: A meeting that the believers desperately need to nourish their faith by receiving the forgiveness of past sins and striving to achieve a higher place in the sight of Allah s.w.t. In this very month, Allah s.w.t sends down His Mercy that is manifested into His forgiveness, multiplied rewards, acceptance and other blessings to His servants. Fortunate it is for those who strive hard to avoid from falling into sins, continuously seek repentance and increase his/her worships. It is, however, a waste if we let this reunion pass by us like any other months. To be able to observe various deeds, one needs to supplicate to Allah s.w.t. Thus, prayers serve as reminders as we seek to connect with the Divine.

Here are some supplications that we regularly recite in the month of Ramadan.

The translations are provided to guide us to understand, internalise and immerse ourselves with the spiritual experience of this sacred month. There are no specific supplications to be read on the day of Ramadan. Our scholars have encouraged us to read the above supplication based on the following Hadith: "I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, I seek forgiveness from Allah, we ask you (O Allah) for Paradise and we seek refuge with you from the Hellfire." One of the many supplications that we can recite daily in the day and night throughout Ramadan is: We are encouraged to increase our Ibadah (worship) to Allah and “Supplication is worship” (At-Tirmizi) However, it does not mean that there is no emphasis on making supplications.